Sunday, November 20, 2011

American Racism on Display in Wikileaks Iran Cable

American Racism on Display in Wikileaks Iran Cable

Don't you just love Wikileaks and the extra, maybe only level of scrutiny applied to the back door dealings of governments revealed for what they truly are!
How they think despite the rhetoric presented to us in the form of "they hate us for our freedoms'.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

So Long, America by Andrew P. Napolitano

So Long, America by Andrew P. Napolitano
Unfortunately he is right on with his comments about the birth of the nation, it's expansion into a world power and manipulation of it's citizenry to achieve it's goals.
Those goals are not compatible with a free society and have had to be controlled. Every empire, so far in history has run into the same problem.
Overreaching arrogance!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A troubling picture of G20 detention | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

A troubling picture of G20 detention | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
The time stamp shows June 2010 and its now November 2011. Gee that was quick. The reason they were jailed so long was so that they couldn't re-exercise their rights to disagree. Shades of 1930s Germany, without the show trials and summary executions.
If this was a crime and we were in the middle of a discussion it might even be suggested the police acted in a premeditated manner.

Rockefeller, Morgan, and War by Murray N. Rothbard

Rockefeller, Morgan, and War by Murray N. Rothbard
Circles within circles, the treacherous and profitable webs we weave. The cost of doing business? Millions of not only North American lives but millions of global inhabitants as well. This all culminated with the dropping of two nuclear devices against non combatants living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
'As it was then it is now'! The fruits of the corrupted tree!